Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Sex and Fashion Count As Well

While protesting or celebrating, men and women, if there are any, should dress fashionably because world will remember them as typical citizens of their country.

Taking a look at the pictures below will probably explain what i mean better; and how sexist and old-fashioned protesters can be:

Yemen (the Economist)
All of the protesters are men.

Turkey (the Economist)
Again, all of these protesters are men. Middle seem purely happy.

Syria (the Economist)
All people in this gathering are also men. 

Syria (the Economist)
Tired of men?

South Korea (chinadaily.com)
Nice mix. Fancy colors.

Portugal (the Economist)
Nice shirt !

Libya (the Economist)
All men. Boring. 

Italy (the Economist)
Easy to see some women. 

France (guardian.co.uk)
France seems the best to me.

Britain (the Economist)
Too many women. Colors of a computer game.

Australia (Reuters)
Is this what they call protesting in Australia? Adorable.

One should wear her make-up and put on her/his best shirt before leaving home for a protest or a celebration.

1 comment:

Scarlet Runner said...

what the...
you are a little mean man!
but from here, one can create a field to study: like the relation of the consumption habits to the political, cultural, and economic conditions. wait a sec... smo did it already d: